本次比赛已经结束。以下是结果和power rankings,这里能看到精神评分。
This tournament has already finished. Below are the results and power rankings, spirit scores can be found here.

第一届GCUC 于2022年举办,当时由于疫情的影响,国内俱乐部已经很久没有在同一赛场竞技和交流。为了给国内飞盘提供一个高水平的竞技舞台,依托于上海的地理位置优势、并在赛事组织者们的尽职负责的组织能力的保障下,GCUC应运而生。
GCUC is one of the emerging high-level events developed in the post-COVID era.
The first GCUC was held in 2022. At that time, due to the impact of the pandemic, domestic clubs had not competed on the same stage for a long time. In order to provide a high-level competitive stage for domestic ultimate, relying on Shanghai’s geographical advantages and responsible organizational capabilities of event organizers, GCUC came into being.
In just two years, GCUC has received strong support from Chinese ultimate players. Although it has been established only for a short time, GCUC has always been and will continue to develop in the direction of high-level competitive events and fully supports the development of competitive ultimate in China!